Vinland Saga

Vinland Saga (Japaneseヴィンランド・サガHepburnVinrando Saga) is a Japanese historical manga series written and illustrated by Makoto Yukimura. The series is published by Kodansha, and was first serialized in the boys-targeted manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Magazine before moving to Monthly Afternoon, aimed at young adult men. As of June 2024, its chapters have been collected in 28 tankōbon volumes. Vinland Saga has been licensed for English-language publication by Kodansha USA. The story is a dramatization of the story of Thorfinn Karlsefni and his expedition to find Vinland, with the majority of the story covering his fictional counterpart’s transition from a bloodthirsty, revenge-filled teenager into a pacifistic young man; juxtaposed against this is the rise to power of King Canute, the journey of his own counterpart directly contrasting with that of Thorfinn’s.

Plot :
The manga Vinland Saga follows a young boy named Thorfinn and his quest to seek revenge for his father, Thors. The Manga follows the present-time for the first few chapters and then jumps back into Thorfinn’s past, giving the reader his backstory and his reason for seeking revenge.

Production :
Manga author Makoto Yukimura created the manga Vinland Saga’. He said one of the earliest concepts when drawing the protagonist Thorfinn was to make a story about a slave. Despite being a slave, Thorfinn would face several challenges and reach his goal. Yukimura was inspired by King Olaf Tryggvason, who lost his position as king to become a slave but managed to return to the throne. Unlike Tryggvason, who was extremely popular, Thorfinn was written to face several more problems. Yukimura wanted Thorfinn to learn about oppression and human afflictions. In retrospect, Yukimura stated that Thorfinn does not have a notable skill or imposing physique. In order to stand out as a main character, he was written to have the experience of the pain human beings suffer. Although Thorfinn’s appearance changes across the four story arcs, Yukimura was careful with writing his psychology. However, due to complaints from his editor, the protagonist was changed into a Viking. With this proposed setup, the author agreed as he wanted Thorfinn to understand the causes of tragedy by his being a Viking in later parts of the narrative. He wanted the protagonist to be affected by violence, often having poor luck.